

該公司採取了多個類別的最高榮譽,2013 Communicator的獎勵和AMA頻譜的獎項比賽。




[亞利桑那州斯科茨代爾,  獲獎維瑪品牌團隊的創意,市場營銷,通信和web開發人員獲得額外的榮譽為他們的工作,最近比賽獎項表彰卓越的市場營銷和通信。


傳播大獎是 全球領先的國際獎項,旨在表彰卓越創造力的通信專業人士。在十年前成立由通信專業人員,通訊獎,是一年一度的競爭尊敬最佳廣告,企業通信,公共關係和身份 工作的印刷,視頻,互動和音頻。今年的Communicator所獲得的獎項超過6000項各種規模的公司和機構,其在世界上最大的獎項之一。


  • 的維瑪包裝設計企業形象-包裝設計類別(卓越金獎)
  • 維瑪的BOD-E搖企業標識-包裝設計類(銀優異獎)
  • 維瑪的BOD-E搖梅勒在市場營銷/推廣 - 直接郵件類別(優異獎銀獎)
  • 驅動力 視頻在線視頻-其他類別(銀獎的區別)
  • 維瑪應用在移動應用程序-生意類別(銀獎區別)

傳播獎由國際視覺藝術(IAVA),的,600 +成員組織領導各學科的專業人士,致力於全面進步和不斷變化的性質,傳統媒體和互動媒體的視覺藝術學院的評判和監督。當前的IAVA會員代表的“誰是誰” 的讚譽的媒體,廣告和營銷公司,包括康泰納仕 AirType工作室,迪斯尼,凱勒新月,洛克希德·馬丁公司,Monster.com,MTV,烏合之 眾+煽動者,時代公司,Tribal DDB的,雅虎  和其他許多人。






維瑪營養由BK Boreyko的,公司成立於2004年快速增長的作為專業優質營養液首屈一指的行業領導者之一。每個星期,成千上萬的人加入公司的使命,使維瑪配方臨床 研究通過分享他人的生活中積極的變化。維瑪品牌包括神韻®,一個健康的能量飲品,加上與公司的有價值的商業機會,幫助人們過上更好的生活質量,身體上和財 政。維瑪公司總部設在美國亞利桑那州斯科茨代爾,和自主品牌的合作夥伴的全球網絡分銷其產品。欲了解更多信息,請訪問  vemma.com。


Vemma Recognized with Eight Awards in Two Prestigious Competitions

The company took top honors in several categories at the 2013 Communicator Awards and AMA Spectrum Awards competitions.



[Scottsdale, AZ] The award-winning Vemma Branding Team of creative, marketing, communications and web development professionals received additional accolades for their work recently with awards in competitions honoring excellence in marketing and communications.


The Communicator Awards is the leading international awards program honoring creative excellence for communication professionals. Founded by communication professionals over a decade ago, the Communicator Awards is an annual competition honoring the best in advertising, corporate communications, public relations and identity work for print, video, interactive and audio. This year’s Communicator Awards received over 6,000 entries from companies and agencies of all sizes, making it one of the largest awards of its kind in the world.

Vemma was honored with the following awards:

  • Vemma Packaging Design in the Corporate Identity - Packaging Design Category (Gold Award of Excellence)
  • Vemma Bod-e Shake in the Corporate Identity - Packaging Design Category (Silver Award of Distinction)
  • Vemma Bod-e Shake Mailer in the Marketing/Promotion - Direct Mail Category (Silver Award of Distinction)
  • Driving Force video in the Online Video - Other Category (Silver Award of Distinction)
  • Vemma App in the Mobile Apps - Business Category (Silver Award of Distinction)

The Communicator Awards are judged and overseen by the International Academy of the Visual Arts (IAVA), a 600+ member organization of leading professionals from various disciplines of the visual arts dedicated to embracing progress and the evolving nature of traditional and interactive media. Current IAVA membership represents a "Who's Who" of acclaimed media, advertising and marketing firms, including AirType Studio, Condè Nast, Disney, Keller Crescent, Lockheed Martin, Monster.com, MTV, rabble+rouser, Time Inc., Tribal DDB, Yahoo! and many others.

The Spectrum Awards are hosted by American Marketing Association Phoenix and are attended by the city's top marketing professionals. The Spectrum Awards panel of judges consists of marketing industry experts hand-picked from across the country. Marketing campaigns were submitted by local companies and judged on a discerning point scale. Only those campaigns earning the highest level of points qualified for nominations in their respected categories. Finalists were announced in early May, and Vemma was nominated for every category entered.


Vemma was honored with the following awards:

Vemma Vice President of Marketing and Branding Mark Patterson commented, “The projects awarded in these competitions are the culmination of hours of work and an abundance of talent, and it is gratifying to see this work and talent celebrated by industry professionals on a local and national level.” 

About Vemma

Founded in 2004 by BK Boreyko, Vemma Nutrition Company is rapidly growing as one of the premier industry leaders specializing in premium liquid nutrition. Every week, thousands of people join the company’s mission to make a positive difference in the lives of others through the sharing of the clinically studied Vemma formula. The Vemma brands, including Verve®, a healthy energy drink, coupled with the company’s rewarding business opportunity, help people to live a better quality of life, both physically and financially. Vemma is headquartered in Scottsdale, Arizona, and distributes its products through a global network of independent Brand Partners. For more information, please visit vemma.com.

資料來源 http://new.pitchengine.com/pitches/6b7c3d1e-a449-4e7a-a334-30e3a87614d1


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